Okay, this post was inspired by Zombee (someone so so dear). I just had my braces on last Friday, and he suggested that I should write about the experience of wearing it. Most people would have thought, "Alah, banyak je blog orang lain yang pakai braces kan. Kecoh la lu!" Tapi, tapi, tapi....this blog is different in a sense that I am wearing a set of SELF-LIGATING BRACES, and not the metal kind, but the CLEAR BRACKETS. I know for a fact that not many Malaysians are aware of this type of braces, or they know but not many people have been wearing it. I'm not sure how I'm going to write this but I guess I'm just going to do it FAQ style. I'll come up with frequently asked questions that I think braces wearer or future braces wearer might want to know, and then I'll answer them, adding a little bit of my experience. Harap-harap aku dapat membantu mereka yang ingin atau sedang memakai braces. ;)
1. What are braces? What do they do?
Dental braces (also known as orthodontic braces, or simply braces) are devices used in the orthodontic industry that help align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person’s bite, while also working to improve dental health. They are often used to correct under bites, as well as, malocclusions, overbites, cross bites, open bites, deep bites, crooked teeth, and various other flaws of the teeth and jaw. source
My purpose of wearing them is to correct one of my front teeth which is a bit crooked and went out of line from my other set of front teeth. To me it looks annoying, ye la, sebab dia sekor je yang terkeluar. Tiap2 hari pon aku cuba tekan2 gigi tu masuk dalam tapi tak masuk-masuk jugak. Lastly, I decided, pakai braces la. Actually I have been planning to wear braces since I was 14. I've been to the orthodontist a couple of times to get my teeth moulded and x-rayed and stuff. But when the time comes, I chickened out. Yup, I have always been terrified of dentists. I know, I know, typical Malaysian attitude. Sebab tu aku rasa Malaysians ni kurang menitikberatkan oral hygiene sikit. Kalau sakit gigi tu, tahan ja, telan ubat macambagai. Sampai rasa nak mati tak tahan dah baru la pergi jumpa doktor. Kadang2 sampai kes tu dah teruk sangat dan gigi tak dapat diselamatkan lagi. Sayang ok, gigi tu. Dah la rawatan yang melibatkan gigi sangat mahal tau!
2. What are the differences between a conventional braces (normal braces) and the self-ligating type?
Ok, this is simple. The difference lies in the bracket type. Conventional braces (normal braces) uses a rubber band to hold the arch wire together. Metal braces are the most common. They are made of high grade stainless steel. Today's braces are much smaller and more comfortable. Therefore they are much more attractive. Most of the patients like to dress up the braces with different color elastics that can be changed at each appointment. Multiple colors are available. source
The self-ligating bracket on the other hand uses a clip that was initially built-in on the bracet. these clips can be opened with a special instrument and closed by fingers. Self-ligating braces offer several benefits for patients. They use a self-ligation technique using lighter wires and lower friction brackets to move teeth, while resulting in faster treatment times due to its slide mechanism, strong, mechanical base bonding and solid walls structured to control tooth movement with speed and efficiency. In addition to greater comfort, self-ligating braces make it easier to maintain good hygiene because they are easier to keep clean. This contributes to greater health, happiness and physical attractiveness for the duration of patient treatment. source
Before putting on these braces, I made loooots of research about the types of braces. Aku ni jenis yang tak tahan sakit sangat, dan tak penyabar. Jadi, bila jumpa self-ligating braces yang kononnya kurang sakit dan cepat prosesnya, aku terus cari klinik yang tawarkan perkhidmatan ni. My hometown is in Kedah, but not many orthodontists in Kedah offer self-ligating braces. Most just use the conventional brackets. Punah harapan aku. After a few days I found a page on FB (Klinik Pergigian Yusmin Aznida) that suggests a dentist in Penang that does offer self-ligating braces. I called, and apparently they do have self-ligating braces! Plus klinik tu klinik pakar, dan doktornya pulak perempuan (Dr. Hani), jadi aku pujuk diri yang doktor perempuan ni lemah-lembut sikit kan, tak la kasar-kasar. So I called the clinic, and assisstant doktor tu tersangatlah baik compared to klinik2 kat Kedah yang aku call sebelum2 ni. Kak Wan nama dia. She helped me with the price guide, and patiently answered all the questions I have about the self-ligating braces. Immediately, I made an appointment to see the Dr. Hani the very next day jugak.
When I was there, Dr. Hani tanya, nak cabut gigi terus ke, and I said ok sebab: 1. dah la jauh nak drive from rumah aku ke sini (130km one way!) 2. Nak buat cepat sebab lagi 2 minggu dah nak start kerja. Aku dah cuti dekat 2 bulan kat rumah tapi sebab tak dapat lagi tawaran keja, so taknak buat braces lagi. Nak confirm dulu keja kat Kedah. Takot nanti kena tukar-tukar klinik, susah pulak kan. So 1st appointmrnt, terus cabut 2 batang gigi molar kat atas, gigi sebelah taring tu. Gigi bawah tak perlu cabut sebab ada ruang, last year aku dh cabut 1 geraham yang tersangatlah besar, sebab cavity yang tak dapat diselamatkan lagi. Apparently, on the first appointment, sebenarnya dah boleh pasang braces tu siap-siap. I didn't know about this, so tak bawak enough fulus. Jadi, terpaksalah buat appointment kedua, which was on the next two days.
When I was there, Dr. Hani tanya, nak cabut gigi terus ke, and I said ok sebab: 1. dah la jauh nak drive from rumah aku ke sini (130km one way!) 2. Nak buat cepat sebab lagi 2 minggu dah nak start kerja. Aku dah cuti dekat 2 bulan kat rumah tapi sebab tak dapat lagi tawaran keja, so taknak buat braces lagi. Nak confirm dulu keja kat Kedah. Takot nanti kena tukar-tukar klinik, susah pulak kan. So 1st appointmrnt, terus cabut 2 batang gigi molar kat atas, gigi sebelah taring tu. Gigi bawah tak perlu cabut sebab ada ruang, last year aku dh cabut 1 geraham yang tersangatlah besar, sebab cavity yang tak dapat diselamatkan lagi. Apparently, on the first appointment, sebenarnya dah boleh pasang braces tu siap-siap. I didn't know about this, so tak bawak enough fulus. Jadi, terpaksalah buat appointment kedua, which was on the next two days.
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Self-ligating braces. Image was taken from here |
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Conventional braces. Image was taken from here |
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Ini yang aku pakai. Clear self-ligating braces. Image was taken from here |
3. How much do they cost?
According to the price list at the clinic I received my treatment, the cost for conventional braces (metal braces) is RM3500, minus the x-ray, scaling, and teeth extraction costs. All in all, the extra-extra stuff is about RM 300-RM400, depending on your case, like how many teeth need to be extracted, or if your teeth are too dirty you need a special kind of scaling, and stuff like that.
For the type of braces that I chose, which is self-ligating braces, the cost is RM5000 minus the extra2. I paid RM2000 for the down payment when I put the braces on, and then I have to pay RM 250 monthly each time I visit the clinic for check up. I guess it's not too bad, but adding this to the total of RM400 I have to pay every month for my car, it's a headache jugak lah kan. Tu tak kira sewa rumah lagi kalau kena menyewa, internet, food, medical supplement (for my recently-discovered low blood pressure), wedding saving, etc etc. Ah berapa la sangat gaji seorang cikgu kan. Tapi hendak tak hendak terpaksa jugak lah....So on Friday last week I went to the doctor, put them braces on!, which took about 1 hour (scaling 20mins+, put braces 40mins+). And walla! What I love most about the self-ligating braces offered at this clinic is that the brackets which are usually metal, are indeed clear! They only have metal bracket for the conventional braces, and only clear brackets for the self-ligating type. The clear braces help my aesthetic a little, considering that I am a teacher and I have to speak a lot. From afar, you won't really notice the braces, unless pakai teropong la kan. So yeay, bonus!
4. Does it hurt?
Bohong la kalau cakap tak sakit langsung. Aku pulak jenis takut sakit dan takut dentist. So memang chuak je tiap2 kali pegi appointment tu. Ok, mase nak cabut gigi 2 batang tu, tak sakit langsung. Jangan risau lah. Tapi untuk mendapatkan kesenangan tak sakit cabut gigi ni, gusi kita perlu dibius dahulu. Ok part bius ni sakit sikit la. Pedih bila kena cucuk. Did I tell you I'm super scared of needles? Yaeh, that didn't help either. Sampai pengsan la aku dibuatnya. Nasib baik ada kawan aku tolong angkatkan. Malu kot! Tapi jangan risau, aku pengsan bukan sebab sakit sangat ke apa. Masa Dr. Hani cabut gigi tu serious tak rasa apa pun. Siap aku boleh berjalan keluar dari bilik rawatan, duduk sembang dengan kawan2 about 4-5 minit lagi. Pengsan tu sebab aku ada low blood pressure, jadi bila berdarah banyak, aku pitam. Lepas pengsan sekali, terus pegi check kat klinik and Dr. Wathy (ni doktor aku satu lagi) bagi aku ubat untuk halang dari pengsan dan muntah, berserta vitamin-vitamin apakebenda yang aku kena makan everyday untuk menaikkan semula darah aku haha.
Ok part tu selesai, part nak lekatkan barces ke gigi tu. Tak sakit pun. Dr. Hani letak sejenis plastik yang membolehkan mulut aku ternganga sampai beberapa jam. Cuma lenguh sikit je bila Dr. Hani dan assisstant2nya menarik-narik lips aku to get a better view. So kepada sesiapa yang takut ke, takpun risau ke, boleh je bawak Ipod or MP3 dan pasang masa dentist tengah lekatkan braces tu. Aku dengar radio Dr. Hani je, siap ada caller buat lawak lagi, aku tergelak sampai kena marah dengan Dr. Hani sebab tak duduk diam hihi. So aku yang langsung tak tahan sakit ni boleh go through all this, so mesti anda yang gagh di luar sana boleh jugak.
Ok, I think that's all for now. I'll write again about my experiences of wearing self-ligating clear braces. Lepas ni banyak lagi nak tulis pasal braces ni. Nak buat ala-ala journal gitu. And nak letak gambar gigi sendiri pulak, tapi after dah cantik sikit. Baru pakai seminggu pon dah nampak perubahan, so aku doakan yang terbaik je, bagi cepat2 susun gigi-gigiku ini!
Feel free to check out this page from time to time, to know more about braces. Hope this post can help many many out there who are interested about braces and orthodontics treatment. If you have any question, feel free to ask. I would be glad to help. Or maybe we can share experience? Kalau malu nak tanya sini, pm me through FB. Jangan takut, saya tak makan orang. ;p
p/s: Some websites that may help!