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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smiling with braces, and the Form 6 dilemma

Assalamualaikum! Dah lama tak tulis entry yang bercerita. Lately asyik letak gambaq ja. Sebab? Malas mengarang. And I've been really busy with some professional and personal stuff. Good news going to be revealed soon. Just sharing the news with my closest friends for now.

Ok. It's been almost 4 months since I've been wearing my braces. Sekarang tak sakit dah. Makan pon bedal ja apa yang ada depan mata. Cuma, every month bila pergi jumpa dentist untuk regular check-up, dentist akan tukar dan ketatkan wayar. Lepas tu akan rasa sedikit sengal dan gigi menjadi ketat. Mungkin susah nak makan selama 24 jam. Esoknya, InsyaAllah akan ok balik. Tapi tak la sakit macam mula-mula pakai dulu. Sakit sikit saja. Aku siap boleh drive balik rumah Penang-Changlun 2 1/2 jam straight lepas jumpa dentist.

Rupa-rupanya, susah betul nak senyum bila pakai braces. Sebab: Gigi secara automatiknya menjadi tebal disebabkan ceramic/metal yang digamkan terus ke gigi tu. Selama ni aku lebih selesa senyum tak nampak gigi. Entahlah, mungkin aku perasan yang senyum macam tu lebih ayu. Bila pakai braces, kalau aku senyum tak nampak gigi, nampak seperti senyuman dibuat-buat. Nampak macam senyum menyampah pon ada. Alah macam kita senyum nak perli orang tu. Walaupun aku tak berniat langsung. Kadang-kadang je aku dapat mengawal muscle muka supaya bila senyum tak nampak gigi, aku nampak normal seperti biasa dan bukan seperti seorang pengkidnap budak bersiri.

Jadi sekarang, kalau bergambar, aku akan cuba senyum luas-luas macam esok nak kahwin. Eh esok ke? taklah. Lambat lagi. Senyum macam sengih kambing. Kerang busuk. Sengih macam baru dapat gaji hari ini. Eh hari ini ke? Minggu depan lah. InsyaAllah.... Tak biasa lah senyum macam ni. Jadi agak kekok. So in the end aku nampak macam senyum plastik. Ah macam-macam la. Tutup mulut susah bukak mulut pun susah. Kalau tak senyum, nanti dikata sombong. Lagipun senyum itu sedekah, kan? So senyum je lah walaupun kadang-kadang I swear to God I think I look terencat.

On a totally unrelated subject, sekarang aku secara officialnya sedang mengajar MUET. I HAVE NO FRIGGIN IDEA what I should be teaching in class, but for now I'm still on the level of measuring their English proficiency and improving their courage to speak up in class. I have noticed a few things with my Pra U1:

1. ALL of the students in the class is taller and bigger than me.
2. They are 18 years old, and they look like bapak-bapak and mak-mak budak already.
3. Not much of a discipline problem with these grown up kids. When I talk in class, they listen like it's the end of the world. God is MUET that interesting???!!!

Teaching MUET is harder than it seems. Because they do not have a syllabus like Form 1 till Form 5. But some teachers have been reassuring me that teaching in Form 6 is one of the express way to naik pangkat, aside from GC (Guru Cemerlang). If you have an experience of teaching Form 6 for 4 or 5 years, you can apply to be appointed as GAT6 (Guru Akedemik Tingkatan 6). And when you are appointed, your DG status will automatically be increased to DG 44 (whilst the time-based normal method is going to cost you 10 years to move from DG41 to DG44). So my teacher-friends out there, lets apply for GC or GAT6 as fast as we can! Perlulah berusaha untuk memajukan diri kita, betul?

So far I feel blessed with life. Going to take a huge step in life soon, and my career is just showing a promising future. InsyaAllah. And I miss my friends. Seeing them soon at the end of the month. Can't wait, literally. =D

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