Loyal readers

Friday, March 25, 2011


Assalamualaikum lovely people! I don't know if you have seen the attempted suicide video at KB Mall just yesterday. To those who are pro-suicide, please do not proceed to read. The content of this writing is highly not suitable for you. Maybe you need to seek psychiatric help. Seriously.

At first I was reluctant to watch it because I was worried that the person might actually die, and I'm pretty sure watching someone die won't be the best cure for my current high fever. But a friend of mine asked about it, and she told that the girl didn't die, thus giving me the courage to finally watch it.

After watching it, my first reaction was anger. I feel angry towards this girl who chose to take her own life just because of a small matter (some say she putus cinta, some said she is devastated with her SPM result, some said she has a problem with her mom). 

Well, whatever it is, taking your own life is not the way to release yourself from all the problems. Cuba fikir, kalau jatuh tapi tak mati, lumpuh seumur hidup, gegaran otak lantas kepala jadi bengong, anggota badan semua patah, and you have to spend the rest of your life like that. Siapa yang rugi? Siapa yang bodoh? Tak ke akan menyusahkan mak bapak pulak lepas tu?

Jadi kepada sesiapa yang membaca ini, please, be smarter than this girl. God is always there to help you, even when you feel all alone, even when you feel the world has come to its end, even when you feel like there is no solution anymore. He is always there. Bunuh diri mungkin selesaikan masalah dunia, tapi di akhirat nanti? Nama pun dunia yang sementara, jadi masalah dunia hanyalah sementara.

Sometimes we take God for granted, because we can't see Him, we can't feel Him, we can't talk to Him. But trust me my brothers, my sisters, He is always there, watching us. And He will help those who seek for His help. InsyaAllah. 

Aku bukannya hamba yang baik, jauh lagi sempurna. Tapi semua manusia di muka bumi adalah khalifah Allah. Aku cuma menyebarkan, memperingati. Bukan niat untuk menunjuk, berlakon baik, atau mencetus kontroversi. Esok-esok aku pula diingatkan. Tak salah, bukan? Tapi ketahuilah, Allah mengharamkan syurga bagi hambanya yang mengambil nyawa sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah.

Wallaahu A'lam.

"Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu; sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Penyayang kepadamu." 
-QS 4. An-Nisaa: 29

"Dulu sebelum zamanmu ini ada seseorang yang terluka dan tidak tahan menanggung derita lukanya itu, lalu mengambil pisau dan memotong sendiri tangannya, maka mengalirlah darah terus menerus hingga ia mati. Allah pun berfirman: 'Hamba-Ku telah mendahului-Ku atas kemauannya sendiri, Aku mengharamkan surga untuknya.'" 
-Hadith Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

“Barangsiapa yang bunuh diri dengan besi di tangannya, dia (akan) menikam perutnya di dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal (nantinya), (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa yang meminum racun lalu bunuh diri dengannya, maka dia (akan) meminumnya perlahan-lahan di dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal, (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa yang bunuh diri dengan menjatuhkan dirinya dari atas gunung, dia akan jatuh ke dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya.”
-Hadith riwayat Bukhari (5778) dan Muslim (158)


  1. Personally, I think she's just plain selfish. She doesn't think of the mess she creating, the people she's going to hurt and the LIVES of other people that are trying to save hers.

    She's a grade-A drama queen, there are so many ways that you could kill yourself, but why in public?

  2. i agree about the selfish part. yeah there are many ways you could go without disrupting the lives of other people.

    and imagine what the family has to go through afterwards. embarrassment surely, d whole nation saw this. young people... *tsk tsk*


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