Loyal readers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Makan ubat sampai kenyang, tak payah makan nasik

Before I proceed, this is a mopey, negative post. I'm feeling very sad+down+sick while writing this. Nak mengadu kat blog jugak, tak kira. Bukan meraih simpati, cuma mengadu di blog sendiri. Tak suka tak payah baca, betul tak kawan-kawan?

So I went to the clinic just now, because I'm not feeling very good these past three days (Yes, cikgu ponteng sekolah hari ni). Dad had to drive me there because I couldn't drive on my own, the headache is too much.

On top of the 2 types of meds + 3 vitamins im currently taking daily to help me with my low blood pressure, the doc gave me 3 other types of meds to be taken till the fever is gone, and 2 types of vitamins to be taken throughout my life. Because according to him, "Dah orang kurus sangat ni tak boleh nak buat apa. Bagi vitamin dengan suruh makan ja." Dush.

And dad gave me 5 types of meds to be taken too. So sehari berapa bijik ubat aku perlu telan? I hate just thinking about it. It makes me feel like i'm dependent on the meds, and if I stop taking them i'm gonna collapse, or get a fever, or puke, or get a very negative urine result like just now (because I don't drink enough water, not because of drugs, okay!) Dah la kena ambik darah 1 tabung uji. Sakit tau kena cucuk. Oh, not to mentioned the medical expanses. Meds are NOT CHEAP. Dang.

I used to be healthy and a bit chubby. What happened? So those who think being skinny is a good thing, think again. 

On a positive note, I received 2 days of  medical leave.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Sila abaikan duvet yang berselerak di belakang. My baby brother was hiding in there, trying to 'peek-a-boo' me. Innocence sure is refreshing huh? And why was I camwhoring? Dunno.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Assalamualaikum lovely people! I don't know if you have seen the attempted suicide video at KB Mall just yesterday. To those who are pro-suicide, please do not proceed to read. The content of this writing is highly not suitable for you. Maybe you need to seek psychiatric help. Seriously.

At first I was reluctant to watch it because I was worried that the person might actually die, and I'm pretty sure watching someone die won't be the best cure for my current high fever. But a friend of mine asked about it, and she told that the girl didn't die, thus giving me the courage to finally watch it.

After watching it, my first reaction was anger. I feel angry towards this girl who chose to take her own life just because of a small matter (some say she putus cinta, some said she is devastated with her SPM result, some said she has a problem with her mom). 

Well, whatever it is, taking your own life is not the way to release yourself from all the problems. Cuba fikir, kalau jatuh tapi tak mati, lumpuh seumur hidup, gegaran otak lantas kepala jadi bengong, anggota badan semua patah, and you have to spend the rest of your life like that. Siapa yang rugi? Siapa yang bodoh? Tak ke akan menyusahkan mak bapak pulak lepas tu?

Jadi kepada sesiapa yang membaca ini, please, be smarter than this girl. God is always there to help you, even when you feel all alone, even when you feel the world has come to its end, even when you feel like there is no solution anymore. He is always there. Bunuh diri mungkin selesaikan masalah dunia, tapi di akhirat nanti? Nama pun dunia yang sementara, jadi masalah dunia hanyalah sementara.

Sometimes we take God for granted, because we can't see Him, we can't feel Him, we can't talk to Him. But trust me my brothers, my sisters, He is always there, watching us. And He will help those who seek for His help. InsyaAllah. 

Aku bukannya hamba yang baik, jauh lagi sempurna. Tapi semua manusia di muka bumi adalah khalifah Allah. Aku cuma menyebarkan, memperingati. Bukan niat untuk menunjuk, berlakon baik, atau mencetus kontroversi. Esok-esok aku pula diingatkan. Tak salah, bukan? Tapi ketahuilah, Allah mengharamkan syurga bagi hambanya yang mengambil nyawa sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah.

Wallaahu A'lam.

"Dan janganlah kamu membunuh dirimu; sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Penyayang kepadamu." 
-QS 4. An-Nisaa: 29

"Dulu sebelum zamanmu ini ada seseorang yang terluka dan tidak tahan menanggung derita lukanya itu, lalu mengambil pisau dan memotong sendiri tangannya, maka mengalirlah darah terus menerus hingga ia mati. Allah pun berfirman: 'Hamba-Ku telah mendahului-Ku atas kemauannya sendiri, Aku mengharamkan surga untuknya.'" 
-Hadith Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

“Barangsiapa yang bunuh diri dengan besi di tangannya, dia (akan) menikam perutnya di dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal (nantinya), (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa yang meminum racun lalu bunuh diri dengannya, maka dia (akan) meminumnya perlahan-lahan di dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal, (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Dan barangsiapa yang bunuh diri dengan menjatuhkan dirinya dari atas gunung, dia akan jatuh ke dalam neraka jahannam yang kekal (dan) dikekalkan di dalamnya selama-lamanya.”
-Hadith riwayat Bukhari (5778) dan Muslim (158)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Zealand, I miss thee.

Halloween closed party 2008. Venue: Unilodge, Symond St., Auckland, New Zealand.

Costumes. Laughter. Fun. Food. Good company. Memories.

p/s: The graveyard cake on the right side was my creation. Double whammy chocolate cake. I used crushed oreo for the dirt effect. The tombstone was tim tam biscuit. Yum! Used a (white) chocolate tube for writing RIP on the biscuit. The skeleton and tarantula was non-edible, but that didn't stop some people from trying to eat them! 

p/ss: Which character was I? Take a guess. ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Makan bersama syaitan

Dari Hudzaifah, ia berkata; “Jika kami bersama Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menghadiri jamuan makanan, maka tidak ada seorang pun di antara kami yang meletakkan tangannya hingga Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memulainya. Dan kami pernah bersama beliau menghadiri jamuan makan, lalu seorang Arab badui datang yang seolah-oleh ia terdorong, lalu ia meletakkan tangannya pada makanan, namun Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam memegang tangannya. Kemudian seorang budak wanita datang sepertinya ia terdorong hendak meletakkan tangannya pada makanan, namun beliau memegang tangannya dan berkata;

إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَيَسْتَحِلُّ الطَّعَامَ الَّذِى لَمْ يُذْكَرِ اسْمُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ وَإِنَّهُ جَاءَ بِهَذَا الأَعْرَابِىِّ يَسْتَحِلُّ بِهِ فَأَخَذْتُ بِيَدِهِ وَجَاءَ بِهَذِهِ الْجَارِيَةِ يَسْتَحِلُّ بِهَا فَأَخَذْتُ بِيَدِهَا فَوَالَّذِى نَفْسِى بِيَدِهِ إِنَّ يَدَهُ لَفِى يَدِى مَعَ أَيْدِيهِمَا

“Sungguh, syaitan menghalalkan makanan yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah padanya. Syaitan datang bersama orang badui ini, dengannya syaitan ingin menghalalkan makanan tersebut, maka aku pegang tangannya. Dan syaitan tersebut juga datang bersama budak wanita ini, dengannya ia ingin menghalalkan makanan tersebut, maka aku pegang tangannya. Demi Dzat yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya tangan syaitan tersebut ada di tanganku bersama tangan mereka berdua.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 3766)

p/s: Nak memperingati diri sendiri terutamanya, orang2 tersayang dan sesiapa yang sudi mendengar. Nauzubillah Min Zalik.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday cupcakes

Happy Birthday to a very special person, who raised and brought up my special person. May God bless you.

So today is Zombee's mom's birthday. He was so excited telling me about his plans for today; he's gonna wake up at 4am and bake a cake for his mom (he didn't wake up pun), then go to school for his olahraga practice, and come back and go bowling with the whole family. Best gilaks. And I was busy all day too, preparing this and that for my steamboat party (no picture, sucks!!!). Well, not lots of people were there per say, but it was still a party because all we did was eat eat eat and chat chat chat. After the peeps left, I started baking these birthday cupcakes because I sorta promised Zombee the night before (I was kinda joking, but it turned serious, and he'll throw a mild tantrum if I don't do what I said I would). So yeah, when the peeps were here I made strawberry cupcakes with fresh sliced strawberry on top, and then after I made a second batch of  birthday cupcakes. The pictures of strawberry cupcakes are sooooo blur it hurts to even blink after seeing it! Sorry! ;)

Strawberry cupcakes!

I'm so tired now, I'll probably fall asleep soon. Tomorrow I landed a date with the peeps, again. (it seems like we can't have enough of each other!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I want in a MAN

What  I Want In A Man! (The Original List)
1. Handsome
2. Charming
3. Financially successful
4. A caring listener
5. Witty
6. In good shape
7. Dresses with style
8. Appreciates finer things
9. Thoughtful

What  I Want in a Man, Revised List (age  32)  
1. Nice looking
2. Opens car doors, holds  chairs
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner
4. Listens more than talks
5. Laughs at my jokes
6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
7. Owns at least one tie
8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries 

What  I Want in a Man, Revised List (age  42)  
1. Not too ugly
2. Doesn’t  drive off until I’m in the car
3. Works steady - splurges on dinner out  occasionally
4. Nods head when I’m talking
5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
6. Is in  good enough shape to rearrange the  furniture
7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
8. Knows not  to buy champagne with screw-top lids
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat  down
10. Shaves most weekends

What  I Want in a Man, Revised List (age  52) 
1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
2. Doesn’t belch or scratch in public
3. Doesn’t borrow money too often
4. Doesn’t nod off to sleep when I’m venting
5. Doesn’t re-tell the same joke too many times
6. Is in good enough shape to get off the couch on weekends
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
9. Remembers your name on occasion
10. Shaves some  weekends

What  I Want in a Man, Revised List (age  62)
1. Doesn’t scare small children
2. Remembers where bathroom is
3. Doesn’t require much money for upkeep
4. Only snores lightly when asleep
5. Remembers why he’s laughing
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7. Usually wears some clothes
8. Likes soft foods
9. Remembers where he left his teeth
10. Remembers that it’s the weekend

What  I Want in a Man, Revised List (age  72)
1. Breathing.
2. Doesn’t miss the toilet.   


Source: http://desktopdiva.i.ph/blogs/desktopdiva/2010/01/30/what-i-want-in-a-man-womens-wishlists-at-different-ages/

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bercakap biarlah manis

Image was taken from here

Assalamualaikum lovely people! Entry kali ni nak membebel pasal kesopanan dan kesusilaan. Sapa taknak baca sila tutup tab ini, sekian terima kasih.

Aku kurang gemar dengan sesetengah orang yang senang-senang ja melemparkan perkataan kurang manis atau kata kesat kat orang lain. Biar di pusat membeli-belah, di pasar, di tepi sungai, di sekolah, di panggung wayang, di masjid, mahupun di rumah nenek sendiri, semuanya tak sesuai bagi perkataan tu. Zaman-zaman muda mudi dulu aku pun tergolong dalam golongan ni jugak. Aku selalu ter-melatah perkataan tak elok. Astagfirullahalazim... Tapi sekarang dah tak lagi, Alhamdulillah...

If melatah, melawak or anything, which is probably unintentional, mungkin boleh diterima akal lagi. Ini senang-senang ja nak cakap orang lain lain bodoh, bengap, cib**. Tolonglah, very rude la brotha. Tak manis langsung mendengarnya. Meluat pun ada, walaupun kau tak cakap kat aku, kau cakap kat mamat yang berdiri tepi stesen bas tu. Entah-entah academically or street-wise, or both,  mamat yang berdiri tepi stesen bas tu yang dikatakan bodoh atau bengap atau pant** tu lagi pandai dari orang yang mengata tu. Who knows, kan? Ada peribahasa kot pasal ni, dulang paku serpih something something, mengata orang dia yang lebih. I'm sorry I'm not very good at peribahasa, so I hope you figured out what I was trying to say.

We as Malaysians should be more courteous and respectful, am I right? Kempen Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita tu aku tau, memang takdak effect pon sebab tahap kurang sopan customer service di Malaysia, yang sedihnya, sampai ke hari ini masih tinggi melangit. *sighhhhhhhhh* Dulu masa duk kat NZ, customer service dia memang superb. Kat mana-mana pun. Bank, post office, kedai, people are courteous everywhere. Kalau diorang yang kafir pun boleh bersopan dan berbudi bahasa macam tu, kenapa kita yang Islam, yang dipupuk semenjak kecil tentang adab dan kesopanan, lagi berperangai teruk? Haaa jawab, jawab!

Kalau kita tak suka orang lain berkasar bahasa dengan kita, janganlah kita berkasar bahasa dengan orang lain jugak. Sedih jugak tengok golongan muda terutamanya, yang berpelajaran tinggi pulak tu, asyik mengungkap perkataan tak elok dan kesat. So people lets not call others with names we don't want others to call us. It's just fair, innit? Sapa setuju angkat tangan!

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w yang maksudnya:

Bukanlah (golongan ini) daripada orang beriman yang sempurna imannya : orang yang suka mengecam, suka melaknat yang suka bercakap kufur dan yang suka mencarut

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Have you ever been sandboarding?

Location: Sand Dunes Cape Reinga, Northland, New Zealand.

I snowboarded, I sandboarded. I definitely love sandbording more. 

p/s: I came down second in the vid. ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


To those who are interested in purchasing can PM me, leave a comment or reach me thru FB. I'll advise the payment details.

Postage is RM 8 for Semenanjung Malaysia and RM 10 for Sabah and Sarawak. Postage will be done via Pos Laju Berhad.

For purchase of RM 30 and above, postage is FREE!

CODE: 1 (RM 50)

Greenish turquoise cocktail dress. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. No tag. No brand. In very good condition. Shiny+wedding dress-ish material (not too sure). I bought this at New Zealand for 40 dollars (appx. RM90). Can fit size XS, S and M. The ribbon will help you loosen/fasten the hip part of the dress at your desire.

Stretchable material the the back to ensure comfort!

CODE: 02 (RM 50)

Black cheongsam with bright red tiny flower details. Material is part silk. In very good condition. Can fit size XS, S and M. No brand. The tag says size 18 but it's not that big lah! BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. Bought this at Lantern Festival, Auckland, New Zealand (NZ)

CODE: 03 (RM 8)

Rolling Stones Bedazzled t-shirt. PRE-LOVED. No brand. In very good condition. Colour: Black. Can fit size XS, S and M.  Stretchy cotton material. Selling for RM8.

CODE: 04 (RM 5)

Comma ruffled baby blue halter neck. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. Tag is still on. Material: Cooling, stretchy cotton. Original price on tag: RM20. Selling for RM 5.

CODE: 05 (RM 15)

Strap top-dress. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. TAG IS STILL ON. Material is 100% polyester. Size S. Original Price RM30, selling for 50% off RM15 only.

CODE: 06 (RM 20)

Bought from Dotti, NZ (AUstralian Brand). Soft cotton short skirt. Stretchy material on the hip area. Bright orange. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. Size S. Bought for 20NZD, selling for RM20.

CODE: 07 (RM 15)

Material is 100% cotton. Pardon the picture, original colour is more likely on the top picture. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. Tag is still on. Size M.

CODE: 08 (RM 15)

Material is 100% cotton. Bought from Valley Girl, NZ (Australian/NZ brand). In very good condition. The sleeve is very very cute! Size Xs but can also fit S.

CODE: 09 (RM 10)

Purple baby doll dress. In very good condition. worn less than 5 times. Size S. Material 100% cotton. Bought from Jeanswest (Australian Brand)

CODE: 10 (RM10)

Large boyfriend tee. In Very good condition. Can fit size XS, S and M. In very good condition, worn only once. Pair this with a skinny jeans and a bright orange singlet for a casual stylish look!

CODE: 11 (RM 20)

Purple girly top. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. Tag is still on. Size S, but can fit size M as well. Material is 100% viscose (way way softer than cotton!). Bought at Jeanswest (Australian brand)

CODE: 12 (RM 15)

Princess t-shirt. Material is 93% cotton 7% spandex (stretchy). Very figure hugging. Size Xs but can fit sixe S as well. In very good condition. Bought from Supre' (Australian brand)

CODE: 13 (RM 10)

Candy tank top with cutest buttons! The buttons are real buttons, so the tank is rather 3D! Can fit size Xs, S and M. In very good condition, worn less than 5 times. Bought from Orange Sorbet.

CODE: 14 (RM 10)

You need me t-shirt. Can fit size XS, S and M. In very good condition. Worn only once. Toilet paper picture, with the message 'You need me'. Funny as, huh?

CODE: 15 (RM 10)

Back view

Lace long sleeved-dress. This has been in my closet collecting dust. BRAND NEW. NEVER WORN. But the sad thing is it's a bit stained here and there (but barely noticeable). That's why I'm letting it go at a very cheap price of RM 10. The sleeves are see-through lace but the dress itself has a white inner. Two zips at the hip part. Free size, can fit size XS, S and M.

White inner

CODE: 16 (RM 20)

Very super duper cute pale pink summer dress. In very good condition, worn only once. No brand. Free size, can fit size XS, S and M. 

Top part of the dress (bosom part) is lace

Bottom part of the dress: Knitted material. Pardon the colour, colour is more likely on the previous pics.

Dark brown inner

CODE: 17 (RM 15)

English print tube dress. In very good condition, worn only once. The colour is morelikely from this picture and the one after this. Can fit size XS and S. 

5 layers of ruffles! Cuteness attack!